Golden Skies Questions
What is the deal with my clerics religion? Nothing. God's grace managed to save Eden, you are lucky he has chosen you as one of his blessed. Unless you are some strange heathen that follows the Ancient Gods, in which case the "deal" is being ejected into the stratosphere and left floating to the void beyond. Where can we go to buy standard equipment? Fortune is your best bet for standard equipment, but all large ports will stock a range of equipment. Most smaller settlements will and you could always scavenge off dead ships... Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended? Scapula, they are used to the strange and the mutant. You could try your luck in Fortune or make a visit to the Black Factories but don't be too vocal about your new strange friend. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land? "Noone. There are no sane wizards left alive"... In truth its hard to say, as it is true alot of the old wizards have gone ...