Weird Lil Goblinz

 Generate a Weird Lil Goblin

Out on 

Name (d20)

  1. Mulch
  2. Gripe
  3. Mop
  4. Tooth
  5. Slop
  6. Bogey
  7. Grime
  8. Toe
  9. Dung
  10. Plop
  11. Burp
  12. Pole
  13. Turnip
  14. Nails
  15. Gunk
  16. Fish
  17. Drool
  18. Bucket
  19. Belch
  20. Roll Twice and Combine

Goblin Feature (d12)

  1. Big ears
  2. No teeth
  3. Snotty nose
  4. Head hole
  5. Bug eyes
  6. Extra fingers
  7. One pathetic wing
  8. Knobbly knees
  9. Webbed feet
  10. Warts and hives
  11. Mouldy and rotting
  12. Wild eyed and with no fear of death

Goblin Smashers (1d10) 

  1. Spiky
  2. BIG
  3. Metal
  4. Bendy
  5. Meat
  6. Burny
  7. Wiggly
  8. Grabby
  9. Pointy
  10. Sticky 
+ Stick

Goblin Quirks (d8) 

  1. Irrational fear
  2. Strange ... pet?
  3. Very combustable
  4. Has a severe case of the drizzleshits*
  5. Actually knows something useful?!
  6. Has a collection of (roll on name table)
  7. Slightly less hazard prone... slightly
  8. Knows a little magic
* can only imagine

War Machine (d6) 

  1. Battering Ram: A very angry goat. Each command from the goblins has a d6 chance of sending it on a RAMpage
  2. Gatling Gun: a wooden wheel with d4 goblins with bows strapped to it. Another spins as they attempt to fire.
  3. Gravestone Cannon: A cannon that shoots mushed up grapes. Where do goblins get grapes? I don't know. Makes terrible wine.
  4. Poop-Tube: I wish it was more sophisticated than it sounds...
  5. The Flinger:  A poorly constructed catapult anything the goblins can carry goes in...
  6. Punch-o-Matic: as likely to backfire as it is to work. Needs winding back after it fires.

The Boss (d4)

  1. The Ooze: A giant gelatinous slime the goblins worship and feed. Boon: Ooze coated weapons
  2. Doom Shrieker: they saw the future (once) and now scream the coming of DEATH. Boon: bonus on luck or loyalty checks
  3. Father Fungus: where Fungus ends and Goblin begins is forgotten. He will do anything for more mushrooms. Boon: Fungal magics
  4. Double Trouble: two goblins endlessly squabbling over the crown. This only inspires the others. Boon: Extra war machine


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