What Little Remains - A Crossword Dungeon
What Little Remains A Xword Dungeon (Crossword Dungeon) What Little Remains (Crossword Dungeon) by Molomoot A waterfall spills from the cliff face, a narrow passage just visible beside it. A quiet, secluded cult once gathered here, faithful only to Death, but now they are gone. This is What Little Remains by molomoot Answer the following questions as part of your prep: The faithful kept to themselves, very rarely getting involved in the affairs of the town. What did the locals think of them? What wild rumours do they tell? The faithful are gone now and the temple sits silent in the cliffs. What has caused them to disappear? What has moved in to take their place? The cult apparently kept many fabulous treasures and relics. Who has told the party they are sitting alone and unguarded? What prevents them from entering the temple? RADAR A magical fractal crystal stands in the center of the room, any sound made within the room is copied and repeated, louder and lou...